High Risk Merchant Services

  • Amusement & Recreation Services
  • Auto Rental
  • Bail Bondsmen
  • Buying / Shopping Clubs / Wholesale Clubs
  • Lotteries
  • Cellular Phones & Beepers
  • Check Cashing Services
  • Coin Shops
  • Collection Agencies
  • Computer Stores
  • Credit Repair
  • Credit Interest Rate Reduction
  • Custom Products
  • Dating
  • Detective Services
  • Door-to-Door Sales
  • Downloading of Software
  • Electronic Cigarettes
  • Gun Shops
  • Hair Restoration Services
  • High Volume / High Ticket
  • Home / Apartment Operated Business
  • Horoscope / Fortune Tellers
  • Infomercials
  • Insurance Products
  • Investment Opportunities
  • Internet / Custom Jewelry Sales
  • Meat Provisions, Freezer, Lockers
  • Mortgage Services / Securities Sales
  • Multi-level Marketing
  • Outbound / Inbound Telemarketing / Phone Solicitation
  • Pawn Shops
  • Internet Pharmaceuticals / Vitamins
  • Seminars, Educational
  • Sports Cards
  • Sports Forecasting / Consulting
  • Telecommunications Equipment Sales
  • Tobacco Sales
  • Time Share Sales
  • Travel
  • Used Auto Sales
  • Water Purifiers
  • Weight Loss Centers

These are some of the business types we can approve for merchant services.

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